The Heart of Cybersecurity – Keeping Your Organization Safe From CyberCrime with Kim Pease, CISSP

How do you keep your organization secure? Perhaps more important than firewalls and multi-factor authentication is leadership. Good leaders … . that intricate weaving together of the head and the heart … towards the higher purpose of securing an organization’s precious information. Kimberly Pease, Director of Information Security at Miller Kaplan, is that special kind of a leader. Kim’s passion is working with people — executives, IT staff and everyone else — so they have the knowledge, motivation, and commitment to secure their organization’s sensitive information.

In Kim’s story and the stories of her clients, you’ll hear of cybersecurity success and the all too-frequent cybersecurity failures.

  1. How did you find yourself in cybersecurity? What gets you up in the morning? Why?
  2. How bad is it out there for your clients? What threats are you seeing? Where are the weaknesses? What are the big cybersecurity challenges you see?
  3. What do you tell executives they need to do?
  4. If you could wave a magic wand and wish for one thing that organizations would do better, what would it be?

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