SecureTheVillage is on a mission to turn people and organizations into CyberGuardianTM.
CyberGuardianTM have the knowledge, skills, and commitment needed to meet the ongoing challenges of cyber crime, cyber privacy, and information security.
We do this through education, support, and advocacy for cybersecurity and data privacy.
We connect cybersecurity and privacy leaders, creating communities to accelerate progress toward a secure global village.
We work in hard-problem areas:
- Boards of Directors and executives having to lead, manage, and govern information risk in the broader context of systemic risk, ensure their organization’s information security management programs are legally “reasonable,” and guide their organizations towards reasonable cyber-resilient security practices in the face of increased cyber risk, evolving cyber threats, ever-present vulnerabilities, and escalating legal requirements
- MSPs, IT vendors, and in-house IT who must manage security of the ever-more complex digital infrastructure
- The financial services community with responsibility for protecting the flow of money
- The cybersecurity workforce development community which must meet the need for cybersecurity professionals, recruiting, training, employing, and mentoring a diverse new community of cybersecurity workers
- Village “residents,” the individuals and families who must secure their financial, health, and other identities; securely maintain their increasingly digital world; manage their privacy; and teach their children sound cybersecurity habits
We Connect to Protect
We view our work as “securing the last mile” …enlisting everyone to secure their piece of the global village: at home, at work, and everywhere in between. To do this they need education, support, and advocacy so they have the knowledge, skills, and commitment needed to do their part in protecting themselves and their communities. By bringing the cybersecurity professional community to proactively work together, SecureTheVillage is a force multiplier, a catalyst, and a resource … We make 1 + 1 = 1000.
From the Board Room to the Living Room — It takes a village to secure the village! TM
Secure The Village – Our AcTivities
SecureTheVillage has active Working Groups in each of the hard-problem areas identified above. Working groups provide education, support, and advocacy in each of these areas.
SecureTheVillage hosts an annual Cybersecurity Conference every year in October as part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month. In October 2021, we held our second annual conference on the topic of “Reasonable Security.”
SecureTheVillage maintains a Cybersecurity Speakers Bureau, making experts available to organizations wishing to provide cybersecurity education to their constituencies.
SecureTheVillage publishes Free Information Security Management Resources, including a library of information security management webinars hosted by founder Stan Stahl, our Information Security Management ResourceKit, our Code of Basic IT Security Management Practices, and our Minimum Reasonable Information Security Management Practices. These and other resources are available in our Cybersecurity Resource Library.
To keep the community informed, we have just begun the 14th year of publishing our Cybersecurity News of the Week and Weekend Patch Report, distributed free via email and social media every Sunday afternoon. To receive your copy, sign up here.
SecureTheVillage and Sightline Security — a nonprofit supporting the information security needs of nonprofits — in association with several other information security nonprofits have formed a Consortium of Cybersecurity Nonprofits to more effectively amplify each of our efforts … Another way we make 1 + 1 = 1,000.
SecureTheVillage is guided by an active Board and volunteer CyberLeaders who guide, lead, and manage our Working Groups.
Join Our Village.
- Residents … Be a CyberGuardianTM. Protect yourself and your family.
- Cybersecurity Professionals … Be a CyberLeader. Join a SecureTheVillage Working Group. Be part of the SecureTheVillage community. Help us deliver education, support, and advocacy.
- Cybersecurity Organizations… Be a CyberPartner. Join the SecureTheVillage community. Help us deliver education, support, and advocacy.